Friday, March 27, 2009

Evaluation on TV

TV's have been around for decades, and people watch them on a regular daily basis. People have certain shows they love to watch, and so they tweak their schedules to make time to watch those episodes. TV's are a main source of entertainment to children and adults. When you're bored, tired, hungry, or even hungry.... TV always seems to be the answer. It seems to be the cure for baby-sitting, and especially for boredom. Although TV's are big in communication and seem to entertain people, there are a lot of negative things that follow along with the simple pleasures as well.

Sometimes, watching TV becomes a habit and can form into an addiction. Eyes are glued to the screen, and children become couch potatoes, sitting on the couch for hours - eating chips, cookies, ice cream, junk food, and even skipping family meals to watch an episode. It's so easy for TV to take over one's life. I mean, if you constantly crave to watch TV every single day, and you can't go on a day without watching your favorite show.... that's a problem. But if you just watch at the most an hour of TV a few days a week, that's fine. But I personally, don't watch TV. It's just every now and then during break, I take the time to watch about 30 minutes of any random channel that's on the TV. Then I get up and usually go practice my instrument or I sleep in. I don't even have a certain show that I watch daily or weekly. My parents never provided cable for my brother and I, because they didn't want us to be influenced by inappropriate things and "waste time" when we had other priorities to take care of. When I was kid, I always wanted to watch TV. I thought it was unfair that everyone else had cable except for me. If my friends came over my house, they would always ask, "Hey, so do you watch LOST? I love Survivor! Did you watch that last night?" and my brother & I would always have to reply, "We don't have cable." I never really took into consideration that watching TV for too long was a "waste of time," quoted from my parents. I thought it was only normal for people to watch at least 1-2 hours of their favorite shows everyday, and discuss about them the next day with their friends. Actually.... it's just a bad habit that society has adapted to. Overall, connecting to my past has allowed me to appreciate and be thankful for what my parents have done. Although as a kid I complained about not being able to watch TV everyday and not having cable, if it weren't for my parents.... I'd probably have my eyes glued to the screen everyday. Therefore, I don't think TV is the best way to use time or even turn to as a source of entertainment. There are plenty of other ways to have fun while being productive. As long as you don't sit on the couch for over 2 hours watching TV everyday, it's fine and it won't do you any harm.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Evaluation on High School Relationships.

Many people have been in fun, blissful high school relationships, and many have been had their hearts broken as well. High school relationships are common to have in your teenage years but unfortunately, they can be dangerous and bring negative changes as well. Relationships are always fun, and to spend time with "that special someone" is always another memory to cherish, and would never be considered a waste of time. It's because you like that person and have mutual feelings for them. But even though relationships are enjoyable, memorable, and make you feel like you're the happiest or even luckiest person in the world.... they always end. Especially high school relationships. Why do I say that? It's because high school relationships are frivolous, and teenagers are so young to fully comprehend what true love is. They don't know the basics of responsibility, of truly supporting another person than themselves, and sacrificing. Teenagers are still kids, and not adults.

As I said before, I believe that high school relationships are frivolous. People don't take them seriously, and they aren't real. Sure, they will always remain as good memories to reminiscence every now and then.... but they aren't that important at that age. They shouldn't be thought about 24/7, because isn't that just a waste of time? It's a waste of the person you are too, because you're wishing to be with someone else, when you should be worried about doing your best. Even if a couple considered themselves serious in a relationship, high school students are most likely not responsible and mature enough to control themselves. Isn't that why girls get pregnant? Isn't that the reason why students fail classes, because they lose their minds and forget about everything but that one person? I think it's best to focus on yourself, your goals, and school at such a young age because that's when you're still growing, and building a foundation for your future. If you slack off during that time.... you miss all the opportunities, and you lack so many standards that your classmates earned while you were mentally off-task. And even if a couple was dating for all their 4 years of high school, it would extremely difficult emotionally & mentally to continue that relationship, because once they enter college... they have to live independent lives when they're attached to one another and incomplete. But you see, college is a place where you really have to know where you stand, and who you are. If you aren't using all of your potential and carrying independence, it's going to be challenging to keep up with such a rigorous and demanding environment. Overall, I'm not saying high school relationships are totally unecessary, and are for slackers. I'm just saying... they're just for fun, and even though at that age you say that you're in love, you're only 14-18. You haven't experienced a lot of things in life yet because you still have a far way to go. But it's possible that you have deep feelings for another individual, or become infatuated for someone. Anyways... my point is that, high school relationships will not last forever and as a student, one connection between a person shouldn't take control over your life decisions.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Thought You Would Return

The korean song, Thought You Would Return is a love song, sang by 2 singers - a boy & a girl. The two artists - HwaYobi [female] & KCM [male] sing together with lyrics that relate to an extremely sad relationship. HwaYobi & KMC are acting like the characters of the couple that have had their heart broken. The main idea behind the lyrics of this song is that although the couple broke up and had new lovers at the time, they were still carrying strong, mutual feelings for one another & wanted to go back to the days when they were together. This song is very touching & depressing, and I suppose people who've been in relationships and could relate to these words. The lyrics go something like this:

Wondering who you are looking at
Wondering who you love now
Wondering if you still think about me

The person to protect and care for you
To meet that person
Wondering if you’re okay

Now that it’s over
Now that I don’t have the confidence
I can only look you in the eyes of the picture I hang
Wondering if you’re happy
Wondering if you’re really doing great
Wondering if you really forgot about me, what would happen

Still thinking you would chase after me
Still thinking you’d be sorry and have tears down your face

Like a fool
Wondering if our love would happen again
Not even being able to erase you
Today again, I cry alone

You’ve changed a lot,
Saying that you are beautiful
Wondering if he is good to you
Mind full of words wanting to spill out the truth
But there’s always one thing I can never say
Having to bury deep within my soul once more

Still thinking you would chase after me
Still thinking you’d be sorry and have tears down your face

Like a fool
Wondering if our love would happen again
Not even being able to erase you
Today again, I cry out your name

Not being able to forget you as I love another
Because you’re my only one

Inside my soul
The love I feel
Oh how much I yearn to express
Today again, just for you I cry out your name

My only love

My love….

Is only for one

I would definitely give this song 5 stars! Although the translation of the lyrics aren't the best, if you listened to the lyrics in korean, you would would be able to feel the same emotions the singers felt as they sang too. Also, the melody of the song Thought You Would Return is just beautiful, and the background music fits perfectly with the 2 vocals. I was really pleased on how 2 voices could blend & match with one another so well. I personally love it when the 2 vocalists sing together and create beautiful harmonies. HwaYobi & KMC are both very experienced & well-known singers in Korea, so it wasn't really a big surprise to me that they sounded extremely well. Overall, this song was just amazing and wasn't a waste of time to listen to. It was very meaningful.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Evaluation on Math.

Math is something that will always be used everywhere we go. Without the use of math, we wouldn't have buildings, computers, and technology. If you look up the word "math" in it says: the systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between figures and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically. On the other hand, I've go to say that I personally hate math. It's my least favorite subject in school, but the class can be pretty fun at times. Maybe it's because I'm more of an "artsy" person. I tend to fall into the category of liberal arts, fine arts, that kind of genre you know? Well, I've always hating having to deal with strict guidelines, rules, and logical reasoning, especially when it comes to work. I would get confused, and my brain would hurt every time I would see the numbers, letters, and symbols all squished together. But even though math is such a pain, it really is helpful and without it, our world would be completely different. Math is something that will constantly be used in real-life and bring great changes, so instead of complaining like I am right now.... you should appreciate the benefits it brings to our world. *Haha. I still appreciate math though, believe me.

Why is math so important?
Every fact of life on earth uses mathematics in one manner or another. For instance, when you drive a car, you are computing your speed and how many miles you have gone. Balancing your checkbook also uses math. Even musicians use math when playing their instruments.
Besides just that, math is needed in nearly every job from a high school summer job such as a cashier to an architect, math skills are always needed. Any job or employer prefers an employee who knows math well and is skilled at most aspects of math. Math is prominent in all aspects of life.

Although math may not always be the easiest, or most enjoyable subject, it's essential that you have the skills of problem solving and logical reasoning with you, because math will always be used in the world. It's funny how I dislike math with a passion, when I'm in a double accelerated Alg. 3 & 4 class. But, I guess it all depends on the individual's personality and their likes.

Anyways, my point is that math is a widely used subject in the world, and is very important in a student's education and future jobs.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Evaluation on Love.

We all wonder what love is, and no one really has an exact answer. No one does. It's because we all have different opinions on it based on what we see, experience, and feel. I've never experienced love [as in relationships] because I've never been in one. I really don't plan to in high school anyways. But I've realized love can bring a lot of things together. Like the song, All You Need is Love by the Beatles. Isn't it true? If everyone learned to love.... we'd have more respect, affection, and consideration for one another, because when we do love... we truly care. Wouldn't love prevent a lot of chaos, troubles, and arguements? Especially the wars and current events that are happening in today's world. But nowadays, love is considered a "corny" thing to most people. Some smirk at the thought of love and aren't willing to open up to others. Some are scared of it because they are aware that hardships are involved. But overall, I don't think love is a bunch of nonsense. Without love from my parents, friends, and support systems... I wouldn't be the person I am today. I believe good things such as love, are worth the price of overcoming hardships and obstacles.


All quotes from Erica Jong

"You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back.”

“There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief...and unspeakable love.”

“Falling in love with someone isn't always going to be easy... Anger... tears... laughter.. It's when you want to be together despite it all. That's when you truly love another. I'm sure of it.”

“I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out.”

“Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.'
Mature love says: 'I need you because I love you'”

"Love is everything it's cracked up to be…It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. "

Love is something I will never be able to fully comprehend. It's expressed in so many ways, and it all depends on the type of connection you have with the individual. It's so complicated, and can drastically take control over one's life, to the point where they commit suicide. But even though love can cause scars, tears, and immense pain, I believe it's very essential in everyday life. It's something every human being needs to be able to survive, be positive, or even endure hardships. Knowing that someone cares, thinks of you, and is able to support you not only gives people a sense of belonging, but gives a bigger reason why life is worth living for. Whether it is a simple hug in the hallways, or a confession to that special someone, love always brings happiness and warmth to everyone. It is also something that people should never push aside or avoid, because it just.... happens, at the right time. People say that love can make you feel angry, sad, happy, and exhilarated. It can make you feel anything, but at the same time builds immense character. It's something every person in this world will go through. All in all, I think love is a beautiful thing, and will always be welcomed everywhere you go. It's just one of those things that can make people's day, and brighten up the room.