Monday, September 29, 2008

View of High School so Far

Esther Yang
Period 3: English
9:08 PM

High School does not seem that challenging as I thought it was. Although there are more responsibilities, expectations, and new things to do, I don't feel nervous, or freaked out. I feel optimistic about high school. Although high school is much bigger, and the age range is huge, I feel very happy to finally be a freshman. All my teachers are very intelligent, and they seem to know what they're doing. I like them all, and I hope that the students and the teachers in KMTA will grow closer as a family [like how it was in Kent Technology Academy].
There are many things to worry about in high school. Your grades, Culminating project, SAT, extracurricular activities, your family, and your social life. Listing all these things that need to be covered seem overwhelming, but I believe I have a firm grip of what is going on in 9th grade, so I feel secure of where I am. I'm just relieved that I'm not stressing about every little thing that is happening high school.
I have already made many new friends, and have found old friends that I lost touch in middle school. High school has given me many new opportunities to great places, and I love that. I'm on good terms with everyone, and I feel so thankful to have another fresh start.
My goals for high school are to achieve all my classes and get a 4.0 average, continue to do several benefitial extracurricular activities, and read more so I can expand my vocabulary.
High school is very exciting and challenging but I'm all up for it, and I hope I will have the same positive attitude throughout the whole year!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Something About Asian Parents

Esther Yang
9/25/08: 8:08 PM
Period 3: English

-This is not to offend anyone, just trying to make it sound funny, or as a joke. Please don't take this blog post personally, because it is not 100% true.

Asian parents are so much different from other american parents because of their totally different mindset. I feel that growing up with them makes you a totally different person. There are certain little things that they do that make a big difference between an asian american and all-american childhood.
They make you repeat every. single. thing. you say. and then spell it out, using words, preferably names. Example: "Dad, I'm going to Jennifer's house." "WHAT?!" "I'm going to jennifer's house." "You're going who, what?" "JENNIFER'S HOUSE!" "Who? spell her name." "J -e-n-n-i-f-e-r." "Ugh, j for jack, e for english, n for nose, another n for Norah, i for intelligence, f for five, e for eel, and r for river!" "Oh Esther! why don't you speak clearly!" Sigh.....
If you complain about anything, they always have a worse story from their childhood. I remember my friend once complained about how she hated drinking whole milk and her mom was like, "You should be thankful you even have milk! Back when I was young, there was such a shortage that we would be lucky if we had half a glass for our entire family! We almost had bone problems and we all had digestive problems, but there was only five bathrooms and seven children. Some of us were lactose intolerant too, so the toilets would get clogged and then--" jeez okay, okay. Life was hard. Don't need to get into the nitty gritty details there.
Personally, my parents aren't THAT different from American parents. The only thing that is similar to the things above regarding asian parents, is that when I complain about something, they always expand onto their past experiences and it just keeps on going on, and on, and on....
I don't know if this applies to ALL asian parents, it just seems common based on listening to my other asian friends' experiences too and even though these asian parent quirks can be somewhat annoying from time to time, i wouldn't have it any other way.